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Host an Event

RHoK events draw the best and brightest hackers (curious and inventive people) from around the world to spend a weekend developing technology for humanitarian causes. By organizing a RHoK event, you can help build the platform so that many others to volunteer their time to make a difference.

RHoK facilitates two types of events: RHoK Global Events and RHoK Community Events

RHoK Global Events happen twice per year, simultaneously in many cities around the globe. They are typically 2 day weekend events that feature a high level of coordination by the RHoK core partner team. These events are focused on all forms of hacking for social good.

RHoK Community Events are entirely community-planned RHoK events that can happen any time throughout the year. These can be focused on hacking for humanity along a particular theme (e.g. RHoK Water or RHoK Education), or in a particular geographic area (e.g. RHoK Kenya or RHoK California ).

To organize a RHoK event you need a license. Anyone, anywhere in the world is eligible to apply to organize an event. No one is permitted to use the RHoK brand in any way for an event without a license issued by RHoK. A license is good for a specific event on a specific date.

Before getting a license

Getting a license to RHoK


Event Planning Guidelines