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RHoK Branding Guidelines

The RHoK brand is a shorthand representation of everything the community stands for -- from our purpose and mission to the community values and personality. As we strive to expand our impact and global community, it is extremely important that we build a coherent global brand. A RHoK event in Bangalore should have the same look and feel as an event in Moscow. All members of our community – from our hackers to our sponsors – become part of the same global community. These guidelines are designed to provide the parameters necessary so that we keep a consistent global identity. The more we can build a coherent global community, the more potential impact we can have.


The RHoK Logo :


The RHoK logo consists of three elements: (1) the graphic symbol (2) the wordmark (3) the tagline. The graphic symbol and wordmark must always appear together. The tagline can only be removed from the logo when it appears elsewhere on the printed material (such as on the back of a T-shirt). The approved electronic art files are available from the global team. No modifications are permitted.

Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 1.03.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 1.05.47 PM.png

Branding Examples :

Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 1.03.14 PM.png

Incorrect Usage :

Screen Shot 2015-10-03 at 1.03.03 PM.png


Branding  Guidelines for local events:


Event Naming Only approved event names and logos may be used. Events are named using the convention of RHoK [City Name] (e.g. “RHoK Bangalore”). A location-specific RHoK logo will be provided for each event, which should be used in promoting the event. These should not be created locally. This is the only instance where the RHoK graphic device may be used without the RHoK wordmark.

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Approvals & Legal Use of the RHoK logo:

• The RHoK logo can only be used for events that have received a license.
• No one is permitted to use the RHoK brand in any way for an event without a license issued by RHoK. A license is good for a specific event on a specific date.


Use of partner names & logos

• The names and logos of the RHoK Core Partners (NASA, National Day of Civic Hacking) CAN NOT be used in any way unless otherwise specified.

Friday, April 24, 2015